What the darkness has taught me
December 2020

Many of us are grieving right now.
Three days ago I felt like a crawled out of the darkest cave of my internal world. I'm grateful to be emerging so I can share, and remind you that you are not alone.
There's lots to be sad about right now.
Give it time. Your experience is valid. I'm right there with you.
This New Years Eve feels much different than prior years - for obvious reasons. I am feeling drawn to holding my own little burn ceremony to anchor in my intentions and moreso, to release what is no longer serving me tonight. I invite you to join me as we bring in this new year.
I'll be sharing about this in the future. For now, here are 12 things the darkness of 2020 has taught me.
12 Dark Truths of 2020
1. Loving with a big heart is both a gift and a burden.
2. Your value as a human being is not dependent on your productivity level.
3. Admitting to ourselves that we are not okay is liberating.
4. Boundaries keep us safe.
5. We can be both grieving and grateful at the same time.
6. Slowing down creates space for us to fully listen.
7. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they know.
8. Authentic relationships are created when we communicate our needs and honor agreements. Knowing what we need and want is half the battle.
9. The darkness will always pass.
10. Courage does not exist without fear. You can be both brave and afraid at the same time.
11. Making time for spiritual connection with ourselves is an essential anchor. What this looks like may shift from time to time.
12. All of you belongs in this world. When you forget, you will be reminded.
We have an opportunity to use what we've learned as fuel.
I invite you to reflect today and ask yourself what you need. Honor what that is, even if it looks "different" than other years.
We've been through hell this year. We're all moving at our own pace.
May the energies that surface be yielded in the favor of your highest vision, for the greater good of all.
See you on the other side....
Want to join me on a 5 month journey to embody your Truth?
The Sacred Elements Mentorship begins February 1, 2021. Let's do this.
